Monday, November 23, 2015

Have I signed that agreement with God?

Today I read the story of Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. The real story of how one small step of surrender changed their entire life.

Bill and Vonette Bright, after a few years of their marriage were frustrated with each other. They realized that their expectations of life were much contrary to each other. But unlike what the average present-day couple would do, they decided to give this frustration over to God. And then they decided to SURRENDER. Yes. They actually wrote down on a piece of paper all their dreams and desires, much of which was materialistic. And signed at the end of the sheet. That was it.

That was one tangible act of Surrender - rather than a lip-service of surrender which the likes of me repeat after the worship leader in church.

And then that day of 1951, God changed everything for them. In Bills' words -

"Apart from my salvation, this was the most important decision of my life. That day I became a slave of our Lord Jesus Christ, and for the first time min my life I was actually free." " We chose that day to put aside our little dreams, our own aspirations, and our own puny plans, and embrace his magnificent plans. That day was the beginning of the whole new era, a whole new lifestyle."

He then went on to realize the burden put in their hearts for College students and founded the Campus Crusade for Christ, which now is a worldwide organization spread across several countries and  is a blessing to many.

That one act of turning to God in frustration - and that one act of true Surrender. God just needed that to fulfill his purpose in their lives. Amen.

What is my life made of? What are my dreams and desires? What would be the components of that contract of mine with God? This is what is going to be my subject of cotemplation and action today. Help me, Abba.

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